Web Take-Home Challenge

Thanks for participating!

This should be a fun time for you to test out your development chops and hopefully learn some new skills along the way. There's no shame in asking us for help.

If you experience any issues or have any questions, feel free to reach out to nicole@eulerity.com

The Challenge

The task is to build out a front-end accomplishing the following using React and Typescript

  1. Display a list of images. Make a GET request to /pets to retrieve a JSON array of JSON objects that represent pet objects. These JSON objects will include properties like an image URL, title, description, entity creation date. You need to present these images and associated data in a compelling and interactive way. Use fetch for fetching data.
  2. Allow the user to select several images and download them.
  3. Ability to: Select All, Clear Selection
  4. Ability to: Sort by Name A-Z, Sort by Name Z-A
  5. Searchbar to filter displayed images by title or description
  6. Use of styled-components for the UI
  7. Use of react-router-dom - add additional About Me page or any other page you think would be relevant
  8. Create a Custom Hook for Loading and Managing Data
  9. Manage Global and Local State Effectively (can use context, redux, hooks, etc)
  10. Document code where necessary

In addition to the requirements above, feel free to get creative! Build upon this project in any way you feel best demonstrates your strengths as a front-end developer. Remember, this is your opportunity to demonstrate what you can contribute to our team.

If you have any issues with setup, programming questions, need an extension, etc. feel free to ask!